
HomeNewsThe Prime Minister Borisov Opened Road Junction “Stara Zagora”
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The Prime Minister Borisov Opened Road Junction “Stara Zagora”

On 14th of October 2011, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov opened the newly built road junction "Stara Zagora" on km210+550 of “Trakia”  Motorway. The ceremony was attended by the European Commissioner for regional policy, Johannes Hahn, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova, the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Road Infrastructure Agency Eng. Lazar Lazarov, and the Head of the representation of the European Commission for Bulgaria Zinaida Zlatanova.

Prime Minister Borissov underlined that today's event is a proof to the Commissioner that in Bulgaria the construction process is transparent, accurate and performed on time. He urged the Commission to pay faster, in order to build faster.

We open this junction eight months earlier a recently problematic segment, to provide a travel without conflict before the winter said Minister Pavlova. She handed formally the operation permit of the road junction, as well as Act 16 to the President of RIA eng. Lazar Lazarov. Eng Lazar Lazarov received also the usage permission of Lot 1 of "Trakia"Motorway, Orizovo-Stara Zagora", which was commissioned earlier in 2007, but without Act 16.

Commissioner Hahn stated that the construction of projects such as “Trakia” Motorway and Sofia subway are the best examples of what is happening in the new Member States and their ability to manage large infrastructure projects.

Significant resources for transport infrastructure will be allocated   in the next programming period.

The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013.

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