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RIA Creates Mobile Teams for Construction Control of “Trakia” Motorway

The “Road infrastructure” Agency (RIA) will create permanent mobile teams equipped with the relevant means of control and monitoring of the construction installation works of the three LOT’s of “Trakia” Motorway.  

            The goal is to strengthen the control over the implementation of the infrastructure project. This announced Chairman of the Management Board Sergey Mihalev - of RIA and eng. Lazar Lazarov – member of the Management board, at a special press conference on the results of the carried out inspection of “Trakia” Motorway.  Eng Ivo Blajev, Project manager for the management of “Trakia” Motorway attended the conference as well.

            RIA will require at any moment verification of the construction and installation works quality from the laboratory at the RIA’s Institute of traffic technology, said ing. Lazarov. The teams will commence their work at the beginning of April, when the active building season starts. Eng. Mihalev presented the results of the completed inspection of “Trakia” motorway.


            According to the data, LOT 2- in length of 39 km is in the most advanced stage. The major bridge facilities are under completion, a large amount of the embankments is completed, the work is very active on the plots that were delayed due to land acquisition procedures - he said. Under this LOT, 7 stages were reported, which is a 25% performance of the linear schedule. Funds paid for them are 21,3 million BGN with VAT.

            Archaeological studies along the route of LOT 3 were completed and active operations were resumed. Paid are 17, 8 million BGN with VAT. The last commenced LOT 4 has reached the sixth (6) stage of the implementation of the schedule. To the moment 20.2 million BNG, including VAT, has been paid.


            No delays are identified along all lots inspected. On the contrary all of the construction projects are moving ahead the schedule, by 4 to 8 weeks, said eng. Mihalev.


            Asked by the media whether coal ash is used in the construction of "Trakia", eng. Lazarov categorically denied such allegations. “The technical documentation clearly described the criteria that the materials used in the construction should comply with”.

            He was emphatic that all materials, whether in any LOT be used, go through laboratory tests and meet the requirements.  Expertise is carried out in the laboratory of the University of civil engineering and geodesy and there is nothing distressing, as well the tests performed in our laboratory (to the Central Institute of Road Technology, national and European regulations and standards) demonstrate that the materials comply with the normative documents ".

            The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013.

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