
HomeNewsOn 26th of August “Trakia” Motorway Will Be Free for Traffic Up to the Inter...
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On 26th of August “Trakia” Motorway Will Be Free for Traffic Up to the Intersection “Petolachkata”

On August 26, Sunday, “Trakia” motorway will be free for the traffic to intersection “Petolachkata”. The new section from Yambol to the intersection “Petolachkata” is part of Lot 4 “Yambol – Karnobat from km 276 +200 / match km 277 +597 to km 325 +280”.

The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013. The ceremony will be attended by the Chairman of the Management Board of the “Road Infrastructure Agency” eng. Lazar Lazarov.


On 24 August, Friday, the segment from Yambol to ihntersection “Petolachkata” in direction Sofia – Burgas will be put into operation and on August 26, Sunday, the carriageway in the direction of Bourgas-Sofia will also be opened for the traffic.


            The total length of Lot 4 is 49,08 km. The route passes through the territory of two districts – Yambol and Bourgas. According to the contract the facility should be completed by the beginning of February 2013.

Contractor of the construction and installation works is the Association Jvs “Trakia IV”. The value of the contract amounts to 209 646 720,00 BGN with VAT. The construction supervision is carried out by JVs "Plan Invest – Plovdivinvest – LOT4”. Their contract amounted to 974 400,00 BGN included VAT. The author’s supervision is performed by Association “Viaplan-Burda” whose contract amounts to 112 800, 00 BGN including VAT.

            “Trakia Motorway” is part of Pan European Transport Corridor VІІІ. Its construction is a priority infrastructural project of national and international importance. The total length of the project “Completion of Trakia Motorway Lots 2, 3 and 4”, financed by OP Transport 2007-2013 is 115 km.

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