
HomeNewsNearly 32 km from Trakia Motorway Were Opened to Traffic Today
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Nearly 32 km from Trakia Motorway Were Opened to Traffic Today

Lot 2 Stara Zagora – Nova Zagora (from km 210+100 to km 241+900) of Trakia Motorway was opened on 1 July 2012. The new section with length of 31,8 km was opened by the President Rosen Plevneliev, the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Johanes Haan, the ministers Lilyana Pavlova, Ivaylo Moskovski and Tomislav Donchev. The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Mrs. Pavlova handed to the Chairman of the Management Board of Road Infrastructure Agency Eng. Lazar Lazarov, the permit for use of the section.

The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013.

Contractor of the construction and installations works of Lot 2 is  the Association  JVs“Magistrala Trace” with leading partner “Trace group hold” PLC and partners “PSI” PLC, “SK-13 Patstroy” PLC,“Patno stroitelstvo” PLC – Dobrich and “Viastroyengineering” Ltd. The value of the contract is 137 868 000, 00 BGN, VAT included. The construction supervision is conducted by “Patinvestengineering”PLC.  The contract value is 1 349 578,80 BGN VAT included.

The author’s supervision was conducted by “Patproekt” Ltd., with a contract with value 112 800,00 BGN, VAT included.

Road junction “Stara Zagora” where lot 2 was formally opened today was commissioned 8 months earlier – on 14 October 2011. The facility at km 201+550 on Trakia Motorway in the form of a “four leaved clover” allows the smooth crossing of the traffic between the motorway and road I-5 Stara Zagora – Dimitrovgrad.

The following works were performed for the construction of the project that commenced on 9 June 2010: earthworks – 700 thousand cubic meters, embankments – 3 million cubic meters, crushed stone pavement – 362 thousand cubic meters, cement stabilization – 155 thousand cubic meters, bituminous foundation – 250 thousand tons, binder – 115 thousand tons, split mastic asphalt layer for active carriageways – 540 thousand square meters, type A layer for emergency carriageways – 390 thousand square meters.  105 thousand meters of steel safety fence have been installed.

A total of 20 bridge facilities were constructed: 5 bridges, 8 agricultural overpasses, intersections with the national road network - 8 overpasses, crossing of Sofia-Burgas railway line at km 263+797. The route of Lot 2 passes through the territory of two districts – Stara Zagora and Sliven.

The following equipment was involved in the construction works of the section: 100 construction machines, 4 ready-mix plants, 160 trucks, 8 crushing and sieving installations, 1 installation for modified bitumen and 3 asphalt bases.        

Trakia Motorway is part of Pan European Transport Corridor VІІІ. Its construction is a priority infrastructural project of national and international importance. The total length of the project “Completion of Trakia Motorway lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by OP Transport and has length of 115 km.

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