Lot 4 "Yambol-Karnobat"
The length of the section „Yambol – Karnobat of Lot 4 – from km 276+200 /coincide with km 277+597/ up to km 325+280” is 49.08 km.
The route of the motorway passes through the territory of two districts - Yambol and Burgas . The construction works started on 6th of October 2010 , and the deadline for implementation was 28 months.
Subsection from km 276+200 up to km 291+000 is opened on 24th of August 2012, from where the traffic is directed towards Burgas through the roundabout "Petolachkata." At the km 282 +000 the route passes close to the National Archaeological Reserve Kabile from where is ensured access to the ruins of the ancient Thracian town of the same name. .
The accelerated construction works allowed, on August 24, 2012, to be open the traffic in the segment from the road junction to Yambol to the newly built road junction to Zimnitsa in the direction to Burgas – from km 276+200 up to km 291+000.
On 26th of August, early was commissioned and the carriageway in the direction to Sofia. Thus, in the busiest summer months, the traffic on new 14.8 km from Lot 4 becomes possible.
In the area of village Drazhevo is constructed a noise protecting wall and for securing the birds flight are built 3,5 km of protective nets.
For the implementation of Lot 4 has been concluded the following contracts:
Builder - Association JVs “Trakia IV”
Value of the contract 209 646 720 BGN with VAT included;
Consultant – JVs „Plan Invest – Plovdivinvest – Lot 4”
Value of the contract 974 400 BGN with VAT included;
Author’s supervision – Association JVs “Viaplan-Burda”
Value of the contract 112 800 BGN with VAT included .