
HomeNewsInspection of Lot 4 of „Trakia” Motorway
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Inspection of Lot 4 of „Trakia” Motorway

Engineer Sergey Mihalev - Chairman of the Management Board of RIA carried out an inspection on the progress of the construction of Lot 4 of „Trakia”Motorway/Yambol-Karnobat/. A detour was made on the first segment of the route, whose construction is performed by “AB”Jsc. Haskovo – one of the companies included in the “Trakia IV Association” JVs – Contractor under   the overall construction of the site.

            Participation in the performed inspection took representatives of the Association, the Director of Regional Road office -Yambol - Eng Galin Kostov, the Director of the Regional Road office - Burgas - Mitko Poriyazov, members of the approved by RIA Team for preparation and management of the project “Additional Design and Construction of “Trakia Motorway” - Orizovo - Burgas.

            The problems identified in the construction process like high groundwater, resulting in excessive humidity of the land into the individual plots and unclean drainage channels were commented. The Chairman of the Management Board of RIA Sergey Mihalev declared that options for timely salvation of the problems will be searched in order to avoid poor quality construction and failure to comply with time limits.  

            He was acquainted with the linear schedule of implementation of the various stages of the construction.

Sergey Mihalev undertakes to hold a work meeting by the end of the next week, participated by all parties in the process,– the designer, the construction supervisor, the contractor, the contracting authority and the Project management team.

The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013.

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