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A Protocol 2a Was Signed for the Construction of Lot 2 of “Trakia” Motorway from Stara Zagora to Nova Zagora

The Chairman of the Management Board of “Road Infrastructure Agency” Bozhidar Yotov, the CEO of “Patinvestengineering” AD  eng. Valentin Zarev and Eng.  Tsvetan Tsonev - CEO of “Trace Group Hold” PLC signed a Protocol 2a, which starts the construction of Lot 2 of “Trakia Motorway” in the section of Stara Zagora-Nova Zagora.

            “I hope that the Application form will be approved by the European Commission within 6 months” said the Chairman of the Management Board of “Road Infrastructure Agency” Bozhidar Yotov. He reported that it was reviewed by Jaspers and the agency has removed promptly the comments made.


            A public procurement contract will be announced for the selection of a Project manager for Lot 2 of the Motorway explained Yotov. “The idea is the Manager to deal with the technical implementation in order to have the western standards” said the Chairman.


            About 2,000 people will be involved in the construction of Lot 2 of “Trakia” Motorway section Stara Zagora – Nova Zagora - said Chief Executive Director of “Trace Group Hold” PLC, eng. Tsvetan Tsonev. The section should be ready 25 months after.


            The Protocol model 2a was signed by the representatives of the municipalities of Stara Zagora, Radnevo and Nova Zagora.


            The Project “Completion of “Trakia” Motorway – Lots 2, 3 and 4” is co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union through the „Operational Program on Transport“ 2007-2013.

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